zondag 4 december 2011

Vectors & Typography

I've been working on some vectors like I've mentioned a few blogs ago.......  Well......they kinda s*ck haha.
And so I've been doodling with an emoticon tutorial instead. They're quite easy to make once you get the hang of the 'direct selection tool' options. I'll try some more icon designs later haha.

Vector EMOS created with Adobe Illustrator

The emo's are a creation I made a few weeks ago.
Here's something I started doodling with since this past Friday (12-02-'11). I wanted to try out this "stitching effect". After making the basic character style with Illustrator the rest was easy. I just had to assign that character style to whatever image, text or symbol I wanted and the program does the rest. Easy does it.

Icons in blue

Same icons but now in red

And here they are in yellow, just to give you a general idea

Close up, so you can get a better look @ the stitching effect 

Regal symbols with stitching added

I like this thingy

UBrand - ULabel

After playing around with lots of symbols, I decided to do something with my initial and turn it into a brand or label. Something that's stitched to clothing, jeans for instance HOOT!

Anywho......this ULabel stitch thingy made my interest turn to Typography. I love fonts and the things you can do with them! Here are the products of my imagination (and insprational tutorials) I made in Illustrator and PS for the past few days in chronological order.

U&D (Uma&Design) above the clouds

U&D glossy

U&D soft

"Seek not to know the answers but to understand the question" Old poster effect

"To reach perfection once must develop equally compassion and wisdom" Chinese proverb

Hue added, forgot the FONT name...jeez  - -" 

Another proverb ^^" 

Silly text making your eyes blurry, going to play around with layering and perhaps add some improvements some time again in the future

Added a color burn

Added a color blending option
Uma flowery initials

Uma flowery initials with a blue-ish light background

I was going for a dreamy atmosphere....... Anywho...I've done enough for today. My eyes are getting worse sitting behind the comp all this time. Reminds me of how I used to sit behind the comp doing stuff for school hahaha. I've had my share of all-nighters! Mostly just because I couldn't stop once I was in the flow of things.....not due to time deficiency LOL. But I also had some trouble with time management hehe..... Well, it's quite normal at that age I believe. Anything other than hitting the books is a better way to consume once time.

I rest my case for now.