zondag 15 juli 2012

Chapters, drafts and sketches

Instead of continuing with the abstract thingy I mentioned yesterday, I took a complete different route....
I finished up adding a few more swatches in Illustrator...just to bulk up my collection  - -"...and came up with an idea for a page in my portfolio.
It all started with this idea on paper.

One night I was scribbling away on little pieces of paper I had laying around on my desk. After coming up with an idea on how to present my stuff to the outside world physically, (being it potential clients or employers) I now had to figure out what I want say and what my work is going to portray.
You can see the results in the following pics.
The colours I've chosen are just for contrast purposes...and to get a general idea on the physical look of the design.

Box mock design and scribbles

More detailed scribbles on tiny pieces of notepaper and post-its

The page I mentioned earlier is part of a booklet I'll be creating which is part of my portfolio.The booklet is only 13 x 13 cm big (about the size of a CD cover). It will contain about 9 chapters. I'll be only using 2 pages per chapter to explain the subject matter. Still following this? The chapter I'm referring to is supposed to portray the tools I use to design. I kept things simple since I don't want to exaggerate ( LIE ), and besides that, it also helps keep the design in balance haha!

Anywho....keywords are PS, AI, ID & FL ( Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign & Flash ). But since I also like to use my hands, as you can tell in all the scribbles and mock-ups I've made in the pics above, I'll also mention ballpoints, pencils markers etc.

I've picked the program initials and added a few items that I would create a drawing of in Illustrator.
Here's the rough sketch:


And here's the result of me scribbeling, drawing and creating in Illustrator this entire day.

Positioning the letters

Adding background

Figured a board would also look nice in the end

Flowers are a necesscity...

Added some circles just in case...

Added some tools

Added some outlines

Added a sun and I was finished...or was I?

Made a draft drawing style of the finished image

Deleted the grid just to see how it looks without....

And I'm still not entirely happy with it....
Oh well...there's still time to edit. But I won't be working on it tomorrow.
I'm easily bored. And I'm already bored with this design. Time for something new...
Time for the next chapter!

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