woensdag 4 januari 2012

Fake coke on New Years Eve

Finally, after 2 years, I was able to recharge the battery of my digi cam!
And I've taken some pics with it for the first time during my "New Years Eve-get-together"
with a bunch of friends. They're all couples by the way. I am the only single person of the party, luckily they didn't make me feel like I am haha.

The first part of the evening started of with me and 4 of my friends having dinner, whilst cooking
it ourselfs on little pans/pots.
During the second part (chillin'-boozin'-chatting) two more friends joined the festivities (another couple). The third part consisted of champagne, fireworks watching, some more boozin', having a lot of fun and returning back home to get some shut eye.

Just keep in mind that I haven't touched my cam for over 2 years due to certain factors (and a low battery)....
So the images are quality wise pretty poor, if I say so myself.

That's the electrical pan/pot set.

White wine I brought, but haven't had a sip!

Reddish glow

Food: soybeans, onion, potatoes, mushrooms, chicken, pork, beef, fish. 


TEFAL brand

Lets turn something over...

What am I going to add next??




A bit of wine and a bit of fruitjuice.


Wilbert...he's Linde's bf.

We were checking out the vase that was on top of the cabinet...

DHR filter aded by me, pic taken by Linde...was a bit blurry.

Lychee skins

Wilbert peeling the lychee.

Linde trying to bite the lychee stone.

Red wine...not mine.

Just taking a sip...

Lychee stone/pit.

Clearing the refrigerator...

My drink, icetea with some limewedges.

Lycheeskins, icetea and a bottle of "Hertog Jan" beer...

Waterdrops on the worktop...
A dishwasher! Thank the heavens!

Hanneke finishing up a bit of dishes.


Wilbert' beer

Christmas tree bottom

Christmas tree top

My reflection in the Christmasdecoration

Candles...how romantic

"Oliebollen" in Dutch or "Fritter" in English....go GOOGLE..

Decorations...supposed to be paper stars......

Doesn't look like it though right?


Or champagne flutes as some might say...

With all that liquor we need some water to cool off too!



Rik....part of the third couple that joined us during
the second part of the evening.

Our pregnant Sandra....Rik's partner.

Hanneke's pet guinea-pig "Caviaar"
Guinea-pig = Cavia in Dutch.
Caviaar = Caviar in English
She made a wordplay with it's name...Cavia - Caviaar.

Caviaar's behind, sticking it's head into a plastic tube.

Tomato and carrot snacks for me!

Our fake coke...it's REALLY powdered sugar!

Someone had the bright idea to make it look like it's narcotics.

We had a lot of fun though!!!!!

What's the street-value.....??

Group pic!

Sorry, had to blurry myself out

Cracked me up those silly girls!

Gosh....looks pretty real huh...
Sweet and salty snacks...

Figuring out the percentage of chance you'll have to win a
certain lotery in the Netherlands (30 mil Euro's)

Nativity scene

Sweet angel looking out over us....big contrast to the coke scene from before huh?

Linde's silly face 1

Linde's silly face 2

René freezing his pose for the cam,
That's why it came out sharp!

Relaxin' Wilbert

Twinkle eyes

More lights

René very much concentrated to what his gf has to say...

Time to pop the bottle!

First and formost, bottoms up for the beer!

Hanneke's freaking out over the POP the bottle will make.

Time to light up some fireworks...outside René & Hanneke's
home (backyard).
Rik is showing me how tiny the little stick is haha.

Looking up what's in the sky.


Sticks are lit!


Sandra & Rik
PS pic...have to edit this again.
René & Hanneke

Linde & Wilbert

Flash added.

Linde: "Mine is burned out! Weeeee...".

A Single pose.

Walking around the neighborhood

Look up in the sky!

Real pic with some edditing in PS

Going back home to cuddle up on the couch.

Daddy & Mommy to be...

Haha they're pretty in sync!

Wilbert: storyteller.

She has a long neck but looks like she doesn't have one
in this pic. It's because the couch she's sitting on has a low
back rest and so she's leaning her elbows onto it.


Watching a music program nearing the end of the evening....
02:30 AM

René with Caviaar on his lap

Yeah he gets some attention too.

We've emptied out glasses!

Getting tired

Love these's plants

Pesto...a bit blurry though...couldn't focus because
I lifted the cam above my head.

Another plant

I've got more pics....but I'll post some later. Those pics are heavely shopped and chopped in PS, LOVE IT!

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