woensdag 14 september 2011


Here's some stuff I've done when practicing with Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop.
After the "Earth" poster I decided I needed some  more skills in AI. So I had some fun creating the Supercow.
I've recreated an image I found online. Changed bits and pieces to avoid copyright infringement LOL. Same goes for the Kitty. I just thought it was a cute image. And very easy to recreate hahaha....
Hey I've got to start somewhere.......

Earth poster, all PS

My Supercow vector AI

Kitty vector AI

Kitty walking vector AI

Happy Kitty vector AI

Normal Kitty vector AI

Angry Kitty vector AI

Garu & umbrella vector AI

Pucca & umbrella vector AI

Pucca & ninja's mozaïk AI & PS

All PS

This "udesign" poster was made in 15 mins. Pretty easy.....  I found the pagecurl technique @ this website: www.blog.spoongraphics.co.uk  Very easy to follow tutorial.
Next time I'll make some vectors out of my doodles and post them here. Let's see how people will react to them.
I don't like to boast about myself, but I dare say I'm pretty good at copying or recreating things from originals. The thing I'm not so confident about are my own creations. I haven't drawn something for quite some time now.

I'm good at drawing faces. But I always wanted to do more cartoonisch stuff. I was never good at that. I have great imagination, creating storylines, ,giving funny twists to serious stories, it just doesn't come out the same on paper! LOL
Anywho...I'll keep on trying...and as they say in South Korea: FIGHTING!

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