woensdag 14 september 2011

Can't sleep

It's 0:43 am........................I can't sleep.
Will turn off my laptop after updating.

Me in paper cut-out, my profile image.

Me in sumi-e.

I was starting to get ill during the time I took this pic with my mobile phone. You can't really tell..........but my kidneys are under attack! Haha....kidding. I dunno. But I wasn't that ill to be hospitalized yet. Instead check my lips. They're HUGE, because of an alergic reaction to something I ate that day. Can't by the love of god remember what it was though - -".

Something I made after following a tutorial and used my own text.

Japanese fan, also props to the creator of the tutorial, I made my own twist of the design.

Something I made for fun for a friend.

She asked me to be the photographer of a photoshoot for her. The concept was inspired by an old wedding picture of her parents. She and her siblings had the idea to recreate the moment on film. It was supposed to be a gift for her parents 25th anniversary. I had to use an unfamiliar camera (hers a Pentax). I myself own a Nikon D80. Apparently I did a good job, because the pictures came out well. I haven't seen them printed out myself but I'll just have to take her word for it.

My old Iphone background image. Very simple creation in PS.
New personalised Iphone case, created in PS. Will be delivered soon!

Hope to get some inpiration soon, start doodling and playing with PS and AI again.
I'm starting to feel better....perhaps it's the weather that appeases my mental state I dunno!

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