vrijdag 9 september 2011


Wow....10 years already...
It's a bit hard to believe. I can still remember where I was at that point in time.
I just got out of the shower drying my hair and turned on the tv. The news was on, wich was kind of weird since it wasn't normal at that time of day for a news broadcast. Suddenly they showed a livefeed of the events happening in the US. I saw the two towers. One was filled with black smoke and a huge hole at the top and on the other side an airplane was headed towards the other tower. The Empire State Building was under attack.

My train of thought:
WTF??? is going on? Some horrible accident? But how is that possible? If it was an accident, how come the first tower was already in flames and the one plane that I saw was still intact? How did the fire start on the first tower? An explosion perhaps?

Within seconds it all became clear. It was a terrorist attack. Camera's zooming in at the top. People climbing out of windows, some even jumping out. Urgghhh a horrible sight to see. How I feared for all those people in those buildings.
And in the end it all came crashing down.

I've watched the documentary of some guys that just happend to be making a documentary about the NYC fire department. Everything just went dark when the towers came crashing down. Dust covered I don't know how many blocks... It must have been frightning. So many people died. What makes these events worse than natural causes is that it's intentional. Some random actions of really crazy people who in a blink of an eye end the lives of innocent bystanders. What is there to gain...? Only more destruction will follow by retalliation...and another war is born.

You can try to understand their frustrations but never their actions. At least I can't.

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